
Filter the environments associated to a release batch

scene316 opened this issue · 1 comments

When I view a release batch on the dashboard it shows all the environments in my Octopus Deploy server, when really it would be good to only see the environments relevant to the release batch to reduce the amount of noise on the page.

To go along with this, if i have a mix of projects that may or may not go to an environment, if i deploy a set of projects to an environment not supported for a project or two in the list, then it currently generates this type of error:

Web Status - API: There was a problem with your request. - The release has not been deployed to the required environments before it can be promoted to this environment. Check the lifecycle associated with this project's deployment process. Once you have corrected these problems you can try again. If the problem is related to a variable you will need to update the variables for this release or recreate the release for the changes to take effect. If the problem is related to the deployment process you will need to create a new release for the changes to take effect.

If you were to keep track of supported environments per project during a sync, then you could easily display a warning instead of a hard red error, just letting the user know that the environment wasnt support ed by the specific project.