- 6
Evaluation Error
#16 opened by yfzhang114 - 3
#21 opened by divided7 - 3
The measure of aspect ratio in ciou loss
#12 opened by John-Yao - 0
#23 opened by Mr-SGXXX - 2
test_dev 上的evaluation 执行python --trained_model=weights/yolact_base_54_800000.pth --output_coco_json --dataset=coco2017_testdev_dataset命令后 生成bbox和mask两个json文件,而非一个json文件
#22 opened by Slonna - 3
关于Complete-IoU Loss and Cluster-NMS for Improving Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
#19 opened by Wanghe1997 - 17
#9 opened by yishunzhijian - 2
- 0
There may be some syntax bugs in
#18 opened by WaltzofLeave - 0
About the results
#17 opened by yuqing526 - 3
CIoU loss in semantic segmentation
#15 opened by rose-jinyang - 0
#14 opened by Julius-ZCJ - 7
#13 opened by buttercutter - 2
请问论文中1/(w^2+h^2) 替换成1如何实现?
#11 opened by KoapT - 4
关于ciou loss的实现代码
#10 opened by zfli-xdu - 8
the ciou loss vs. computeciou
#8 opened by ginobilinie - 1
CIoU loss error
#6 opened by elfpattern - 3
All the 5, 000 × 7 × 7 anchor boxes
#7 opened by henbucuoshanghai - 1
No `distance` function
#5 opened by thuyngch - 2
- 1
Cluster NMS for yolact++
#3 opened by abhigoku10 - 1
code imperfect
#1 opened by elfpattern - 1
Implement Error
#2 opened by WanXiaopei