
Exploit for CVE-2021-30807

Primary LanguageC

Write up is here: https://jsherman212.github.io/2021/11/28/popping_ios14_with_iomfb.html

Exploit for CVE-2021-30807. If you really want to build a jailbreak out of it, it will require tuning for your device and iOS version because I have no info leak to use for this.

To tune for A11 and below, use pongo to load xnuspy and build with SAMPLING_MEMORY=1 make -B. This will enable a test that gathers the memory returned by kernel_memory_allocate, sorts those pointers, then spits out a range. You'll see something like this:

sample_kernel_map: 0xffffffe8ebe9c000 [0x10000 bytes from behind]
sample_kernel_map: to add to alloc_averager:
[0xffffffe8ce934000, 0xffffffe8ebf98000],

(just ignore the warnings it spits out)

The test is meant to be ran 30 seconds after the device boots.

Inside alloc_averager.py is a couple of samples I already ran for my phones. It takes the average of all the averages of each range. Create a "samples list" for your device and add the range to it. Repeat the test a couple times until you have 5-10 entries in that list. alloc_averager.py will report a success rate for the guess it generates based on the list. If you like the success rate, take the guess and replace the value for GUESSED_OSDATA_BUFFER_PTR at the top of IOMobileFramebufferUserClient.c with it.

It is very important to not include outliers in this list. After running the test a couple times you'll likely run into a range that sticks out from the rest of the ranges you already have.

You will need to find offsets for your device/version to run this test.

First, to find kernel_memory_allocate, simply xref kernel_memory_allocate: VM is not ready. When you have the offset set kma's value to it inside install_kernel_memory_alloc_hook.

Second, to isolate the test from the other allocations XNU makes, I test for a specific return address. That address is inside OSData::initWithCapacity. You can easily find OSData's vtable by xrefing the string "OSData". The first xref to that string will be in a function that has an xref to the vtable for OSData::MetaClass. Right above that vtable is OSData's vtable, and OSData::initWithCapacity is at +0x78.

Once you have OSData::initWithCapacity, find the only BL to kernel_memory_allocate and take the offset of the instruction right below it. Inside kernel_hooks.c, use that offset in the only if statement in the only function in that file.

A12+ will need to use something like Correlium.