
AI:UK feedback

dabreegster opened this issue · 1 comments

Thanks to all the people I met today and will meet tomorrow, it feels like 50-80 of you! A scattering of notes:

  • add a construction / roadworks filter
  • show turn restrictions. Southbound near Balham station, there were no left turns not obvious at all
  • use Santander bikeshare OD data to show benefits. calculate routes before/after, and look for use of newly quieted streets
  • add census data for number of trips taken by different modes from an OA
  • in the 15m tool, add housing price data. Who can afford to live near 15m cities? And breakdown categories of amenities more -- who can afford to go eat at the fancy cafe vs the greasy spoon?
  • Bug near https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/5198722 in southwark. Stop north/south traffic. There are no shortcuts all the way to the left shown, but the cell doesn't split without a filter. Is it banned turns or something?
  • Bug near https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/4333591 in islington. Shortcut even though I don't think the main road changes name. Why? False positive

And very timely, https://twitter.com/GiulioFerrini/status/1637027742163038210 about knock-on effects of banned turns