
LTN feedback

dabreegster opened this issue · 0 comments

Recording more tasks from a UX study call. Some overlap with other issues.

  • Have normal load/save file dialogs that use native dialogs. Some groups don't want to share by URL; they're used to working internally by sharing files around. Make it clear that the adjusted boundaries are part of a proposal.
  • Stop storing proposal_name in the struct; always use native filename
  • Start the tool in a main title screen
    • Load file --> grab the correct map, get everything needed
    • Recently viewed files/projects
    • "Start new project" -- guide people to import a map, define a boundary, etc
  • Autosave files!
  • Add a ltn.sh or ltn.bat script to the .zip release, so we can capture output.txt logs. In fact, just do that for all the tools included; script the creation of those or something
  • Work on Predict Impact mode
    • Never show absolute numbers; just show relative? Or change the emphasis in the tooltips at least
    • Consider adding buildings to the view