
play_abstreet.bat not running

chicken791 opened this issue · 3 comments

when i run play_abstreet.bat, (i'm running on version 0_3_46) a empty terminal window opens and then closes.

a file called output.txt appears in the folder. (output.txt is attached)


i attached the wrong file, oops!

Possibly the same as #1093. I don't have a Windows machine to test or work on this, unfortunately. You could try opening the binaries folder and launching one of the tools from there. The only big difference is that output logs won't get created, so if there's a crash or anything later, it'll be hard to debug.

Possibly the same as #1093. I don't have a Windows machine to test or work on this, unfortunately. You could try opening the binaries folder and launching one of the tools from there. The only big difference is that output logs won't get created, so if there's a crash or anything later, it'll be hard to debug.

thanks! it works now