
Missing crosswalks in LTN "crossing" feature

XioNoX opened this issue · 1 comments

XioNoX commented


Let's take this itinerary: https://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=17/48.38830/-4.48477/cyclosm&lonlats=-4.481242,48.386468;-4.486091,48.388378&profile=hiking-mountain

This path crosses two crosswalks:

Unfortunately they don't show up in:
Screenshot from 2023-11-09 19-38-26

Even after re-importing fresh OSM data.

Note that those are only 2 examples, but there are more missing crosswalks on the transit roads.

What I don't get is that for example a crosswalk with similar properties does show up fine: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4353761353


Thanks for reporting and sorry for the delay! I think I'm not going to do further work on the crossing mode in the LTN tool. Instead, I've started a fresh project to just focus on crossings and how much people have to detour when walking. Please try out https://dabreegster.github.io/severance_snape and feel free to file any bugs at https://github.com/dabreegster/severance_snape/issues/