
No output in Arch Linux initcpio after 1.6.6

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Correspondence summary:


here are two screenshots : no change with the additional parameters (I used /dev/urandom instead of /dev/zero).

2022 02 01-10 39 48

2022 02 01-10 43 26

the tests are here done with qemu but the operation is identical with a
real machine.
qemu -kernel archkernel -initrd myinitcpio.pv.1.6.20
qemu -kernel archkernel -initrd myinitcpio.pv.1.6.6
regards, lacsaP.

Le lun. 31 janv. 2022 à 23:32, Andrew Wood a écrit :

Hello, thanks for your email.

Do you know what happens if you use "-f" with pv in this case?

Also does "-L 500" make any difference?

Wondering if either terminal detection or rate of output changes the

Sent from: lacsaP

have a look here : https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/73393
regards, lacsaP.


a small remark on this subject:
the use of pv is done very early in the initrd and /dev/stderr is not available at that time (archlinux).
I realized this in one of my scripts that did not display in the console the error message sent to /dev/stderr (the file /dev/stderr was created instead, so no error was reported).
on the other hand, the redirection to fd#2 works.

# uname -r 
# echo test >/dev/stderr #KO
# cat /dev/stderr
# echo test >&2 #OK

regards, lacsaP.


archlinux has reintroduced /dev/stderr and the problem persists with the latest versions of pv.

a change introduced after version 1.6.6 is probably at the origin of this strange behavior... (because version 1.6.20 works perfectly in the final system).

regards, lacsaP.

A fix for this has been suggested, and has been merged in. It will be in the next release.

thanks a lot