
Moving files to wrong folder.

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I have been using this program for a few weeks now, and find it really useful, though I seem to have found an issue that I don't really understand, hope you can shed some light for me..

I have a number of different output folders that contain different tv shows,

Adult TV
Child1 Tv
Child2 TV

The folders are added into the Destination Directory list, in that order.

When I have saved and I Search For Shows, it finds all the shows across all 3 folders, as I would expect.

as an example, yesterday I added a folder called Power Rangers to Child2 TV folder and then run the Search for Shows, it found Power Rangers, and added the data from TheTVDB.

I then had a number of episodes in my "input" folder, and when scanning for new shows, it picked up these episodes and matched them to Power Rangers and found the Season/Episodes details.

This is when it gets a bit strange, when I then select the files via the check box's and tell it to Move files to destination, it's not moving them into the existing Power Rangers folder on Child2 Tv folder (where it found Power Rangers in the first place) it is then creating a new folder called Power Rangers on the Adult TV folder and moving everything into there, i'm not too sure why this is happening, as it seem that the program should know about Power Rangers and where it is, as it added it when I did the original scan.

Is this right? or am I doing something wrong? if it is right, i don't see what the point of having multiple destinations, as it doesn't seem to be moving to any destination other than the first one in the list?

Hope I just have something setup wrong, love this app, but this makes it a bit counter intuitive.

Thanks alot, look forward to your response.


Sorry for the late reply.

The multiple output destinations was intended for having multiple folders because hard drives are full. You can add many locations for the missing / duplicate episodes search. Only the selected folder in the list on settings will be used to copy files to. I realise this is not the most intuitive interface.

I could make this a default location and allow shows to override this and only output to a specific location, in the same way there is a default format string but shows can override it.