
Feature Request: using named-range to read cell values

SDCode1 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I am new here. I am using gsheets API for a dart/flutter project app. Everything is working good, thanks for the API.

Is it possible to use named-ranges with this API?
If not, can this feature be added? I have limited knowledge, but I am willing to help.

Hi, I am new here. I am using gsheets API for a dart/flutter project app. Everything is working good, thanks for the API.

Is it possible to use named-ranges with this API?
If not, can this feature be added? I have limited knowledge, but I am willing to help.

Hi @SDCode1

What do you mean by "named-ranges"?

Do you mean using A1 notation for column/row?

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In gsheets 0.3.2 A1Ref class was added might be useful for such cases

Here is an example of named-range:

cell A1 can have an alias (named-range) of 'my_A1_NamedRange'.

1st example:
In formulas, we can refer to A1 as

2nd example
When using gsheets API, instead of using:
sheet.cells.cell(column: 1, row: 1)
we could use the named-range instead:
sheet.cells.cell('my_A1_NamedRange') //this line of code won't work, but just to give you an example

Link to named-range