
Twitter REST and Stream APIs in C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

C++ Twitter API Library

A C++17 library for access to Twitter's Standard v1.1 REST and Streaming APIs.

This library is not production ready! It was built in order to learn about networking and Web APIs.


#include <iostream>
#include <twitterlib/twitterlib.hpp>

int main()
    using namespace twitter;

    auto const keys = oauth::read_credentials("keys");

    // REST API
    // -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

    // Returns JSON response from twitter.
    std::cout << get_account_settings(keys) << std::endl;

    // Update account's status.
    update_status(keys, {"Hello, Twitter!"});

    // Add a reply to an existing Tweet.
    update_status(keys, [] {
        auto p                  = Update_status_parameters{};
        p.message               = "A Reply Tweet";
        p.in_reply_to_status_id = 1405048013278519299;
        return p;

    // Streaming API
    // -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

    // Track Tweets relating to water.
    auto const parameters = [] {
        auto p = Stream_parameters{};
        return p;

    // Invoked each time the search stream receives data.
    auto const show_tweet = [](auto const& response) {
        std::cout << parse_tweet(network::to_ptree(response)).text << "\n\n"
                  << std::flush;

    auto const request = build_filtered_stream_request(keys, parameters);
    auto const stream  = network::Stream::launch(request, show_tweet);

    // Blocking call to allow async stream to be processed indefinitely.

    return 0;


CMake is the supported build generator, it generates the twitterlib library target that can be linked against.

Other generated target are twitterlib.demos and twitterlib.tests.

It is recommended to use this library as a git submodule in your project, for easier version control, though there is an installation target generated.


Register for a Twitter Developer Account. Create a new application via the Twitter App Dashboard. Take a note of the consumer keys and account secrets on the "Keys and Tokens" tab for your app.

Create a text file called "keys" containing your Twitter API consumer keys and secrets:

consumer_key *KEY*
consumer_token *TOKEN*
user_token *USERTOKEN*
token_secret *TOKENSECRET*

Library Dependencies

  • Boost ASIO >= 1.58
  • Boost Property Tree >= 1.58
  • OpenSSL >= 1.1
  • zlib