
Skip opacity from group

alex73 opened this issue · 5 comments

http://a-student.github.io/SvgToVectorDrawableConverter.Web/ doesn't convert opacity if it declared in group sometimes. See attached example.


Unfortunately, VectorDrawable-group does not support opacity / alpha, so SVG-group opacity is ignored. ToDo: converter should issue a warning in this case.
Workaround: define opacity on path elements instead of groups.

Could converter move opacity to path, i.e. add opacity to each path in the group ?

In short, no, because it leads to unexpected result when paths overlap.
It is possible to split and rebuild paths to avoid overlapping like converter does when --fix-fill-type option is specified, but this idea is hard to implement if possible at all.

Okay, add warning about that to online converter, please.

Thanks for the concern. Check the latest version of the converter!