
Issue with text elements

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a simple SVG created with Inkscape that contains some text.
Android Studio is not able to convert such SVGs to VD, because text is not supported. This tool however nearly did work. Only the text is not correctly aligned in the resulting image (in my SVG I have the text on a different layer. Maybe the layer itself is translated a litte).

It works well when converting the text to a path in Inkscape before running SVG2VD. So for now the workaround is to convert text in Inkscape to plain paths.

So possible fixes are:
(1) Convert text to plain paths as some pre-processing step.
(2) Correctly set the position of the text elements in VD format. Note that in SVG groups and layers can have offsets. Maybe this can be handled by first reducing all layers to only one and ungrouping of elements.

Thank you for the report and sorry for the late reply.
(1) The tool uses inkscape to preprocess text.
(2) Could you please provide SVG files with text for testing?