

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Ive found on fly.dev a lot of apps reboot with records like that:

2023-07-22T01:05:09.939 proxy[5683210cd5e908] cdg [error] could not make HTTP request to instance: connection error: timed out

2023-07-22T01:05:46.179 proxy [5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] Downscaling app raily in region cdg from 1 machines to 0 machines. Automatically stopping machine 5683210cd5e908

2023-07-22T01:05:46.183 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] INFO Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 268

2023-07-22T01:05:51.267 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] INFO Sending signal SIGTERM to main child process w/ PID 268

2023-07-22T01:05:51.975 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] INFO Main child exited with signal (with signal 'SIGTERM', core dumped? false)

2023-07-22T01:05:51.976 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] INFO Starting clean up.

2023-07-22T01:05:51.976 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] WARN hallpass exited, pid: 269, status: signal: 15 (SIGTERM)

2023-07-22T01:05:51.981 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] 2023/07/22 01:05:51 listening on [fdaa:2:8925:a7b:5adc:cbc6:c565:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)

2023-07-22T01:05:52.973 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] [ 479.042080] reboot: Restarting system

also in app logs I see many times after asking the bot log like that:

2023-07-22T01:04:11.627 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] ]

2023-07-22T01:04:11.627 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] }

2023-07-22T01:04:13.497 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] [llm/end] [1:llm:openai] [1.87s] Exiting LLM run with output: {

2023-07-22T01:04:13.497 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] "generations": [

2023-07-22T01:04:13.497 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] [

2023-07-22T01:04:13.497 app[5683210cd5e908] cdg [info] {

Maybe someone can help or advice. Very appreciated folks!

I get the same.