
ESP8266 and ESP32 serial flasher

Primary LanguageRust


Actions Status

ESP8266 and ESP32 family serial flasher based on esptool.py.

Requires rustc 1.55.0 or greater.


cargo install cargo-espflash


Note: the documentation below is for the cargo espflash sub-command, which is probably what you are looking for. For the standalone espflash binary, follow the link above

cargo-espflash 1.1.0
Cargo subcommand for flashing Espressif devices over serial

    cargo espflash [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SERIAL] [SUBCOMMAND]

        --board-info    Display the connected board's information (deprecated, use the `board-info` subcommand instead)
    -h, --help          Prints help information
        --monitor       Open a serial monitor after flashing
        --ram           Load the application to RAM instead of Flash
        --release       Build the application using the release profile
    -V, --version       Prints version information

        --bootloader <PATH>         Path to a binary (.bin) bootloader file
        --example <EXAMPLE>         Example to build and flash
        --features <FEATURES>       Comma delimited list of build features
        --format <image format>     Image format to flash
        --partition-table <PATH>    Path to a CSV file containing partition table
        --speed <SPEED>             Baud rate at which to flash target device

    <SERIAL>    Serial port connected to target device

    board-info    Display the connected board's information
    help          Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    save-image    Save the image to disk instead of flashing to device

When the --ram option is specified, the provided ELF image will be loaded into ram and executed without touching the flash.


You can also specify the serial port by setting it in the config file located at ~/.config/espflash/espflash.toml or Linux or %APPDATA%/esp/espflash/espflash.toml on Windows.

serial = "/dev/ttyUSB0"

Package metadata

You can also specify the bootloader, partition table or image format for a project in the package metadata in Cargo.toml

partition_table = "partitions.csv"
bootloader = "bootloader.bin"
format = "direct-boot"


$ cargo espflash --release --example blinky /dev/ttyUSB0


Licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2. See LICENSE for more details.

Quickstart - Docker

The docker image esprs/espflash contains all necessary toolchains and tooling including espflash to build and flash. To clone, build and flash the esp32-hal examples run the following:

git clone https://github.com/esp-rs/esp32-hal
cd esp32-hal
docker run -v "$(pwd):/espflash" --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 -ti esprs/espflash --release --tool=cargo --example=blinky /dev/ttyUSB0

Custom Docker Build

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/esp-rs/espflash.git
cd espflash
docker build -t esprs/espflash .