
Device shouldn't reference context

elmarco opened this issue · 7 comments

We should follow libusb more closely there.

open() should be a method on the Context, not on Device. This would remove the need to track the context in Device.

Alternatively, make open() take a context argument.

One of the reason is that there are cases where all you have is a libusb_device*, without its context, and you may want to still wrap it with Device.

Current ugly workaround... rusb::Device::from_libusb(FakeUsbContext {}, ptr)

This reference is required for memory safety -- a Device is tied to a particular Context and must not outlive it. Context is reference-counted internally, so the reference from Device keeps the Context alive.

If you don't want to manage contexts, use GlobalContext.

That makes sense. But it could be made optional, so you could bind devices without context, like my example (unsafe anyway).

I don't see an explicit documentation about the fact that device can't outline their context:

Well libusb_device contains a libusb_context* and pretty much any operation on it will dereference that.


But reading source code reveals that it indeed keeps a pointer to the context, without taking a ref. Bad idea, I wonder if it could be fixed in libusb.

a1ien commented

So I close this issues because we must store reference to context