
Show wide FT2 font for <=4 channels

Opened this issue · 5 comments

a1k0n commented

And probably the "normal" size font for 5-8 channels.

Is this even possible with the current ft2font.png?
It lacks both the note font and volume/instrument font in wide format :/

One would have to manually build the notes from all required chars :P

a1k0n commented

Hmm? Yes, you have to build the notes from the characters, which are all in there. Not hard.

a1k0n commented

In fact FastTracker 2 doesn't actually even use the pre-made tiny notes anywhere that I can determine. I just saw them in there and used them for convenience, and it's extra-compact for 32-channel xms.

Ah cool

a1k0n commented

Oh, and the volume/instrument columns are printed in the "normal" font -- only the notes are "wide".

Looks like this:
screen shot 2015-11-18 at 2 08 09 pm