- 1
Blue Screen of Death
#262 opened by losmurfs - 0
not changing the modes
#261 opened by majmuneeee - 1
rawaccel.exe doesn't show up - dies in a second
#260 opened by JanChec - 0
Accel not applied to trackpad inputs
#259 opened by sum1doe - 2
[Feature-Request] Multiple configuration-profiles
#258 opened by Noxelius - 0
关于Windows input
#256 opened by ZhangDaPRO - 1
Acceleration doesn't work if I open the valorant.
#257 opened by Crash2-4 - 1
Uninstalling does not actually delete the driver
#247 opened by LuckyMika - 3
Build from source code
#248 opened by TimurGuryev - 0
settings not applied
#246 opened by onimasklover123 - 1
Changed settings are not saved in the json file
#234 opened by purin221 - 7
- 0
Weird Issue
#245 opened by Miragro - 4
- 1
- 2
Question that's not answered in the FAQ or Guide
#217 opened by nitram3 - 1
how do i run the program?
#243 opened by Ploaper - 0
- 0
[Request] Install via chocolatey?
#239 opened by jaredcat - 1
Call of Duty Ricochet immediate Shadow Ban
#238 opened by Andras-2000 - 0
- 0
- 1
raw accel not launching
#235 opened by ehsanshrek - 0
Settings not applied
#232 opened by purin221 - 1
it wont run the installer
#226 opened by ADD1ANIME - 3
Sens Multiplier Effect
#225 opened by CristianoLira - 0
Angle snapping is not working!
#224 opened by YesIkr - 0
Autostart stopped working after BIOS update, writer.exe .NET exception in Event Viewer
#223 opened by AniRayn - 1
【Question】About "Sens Multiplier"
#220 opened by Hiiragi0107 - 5
The installer dont install
#222 opened by ElGlichMP - 1
mouse still affected by raw accel after uninstalling
#216 opened by brenkel - 1
Better instructions maybe????
#221 opened by ElGlichMP - 5
VAC anticheat flags rawaccel
#219 opened by MADZOMBIKILLA - 0
Question that's not answered in the FAQ or Guide
#218 opened by nitram3 - 0
#215 opened by NexusX1337 - 0
keeps enabling disabled by default
#214 opened by Nobiic - 0
Cursor keeps jumping/teleporting
#213 opened by Whitesun123 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
Reducing mouse speed for different programs
#198 opened by Bubenchuk - 3
Suggestion: minimize to system tray
#200 opened by ivdccxi - 1
- 1
I cant find it
#202 opened by reenapaws - 1
- 1
cursor teleport/jump/delay issue
#204 opened by Pirvondal - 1
- 1
8000hz support?
#206 opened by FMR5487 - 1
cant add angle snapping through json file
#207 opened by aron-v - 2
It won’t work
#208 opened by Tacotwelve