- acffhElephant Island
- angea
- artgreenChicago, IL
- artifexorHungary
- artlogicArs Mentis
- beevikSeattle, USA
- benkremer
- brianclineSoftLayer / IBM Cloud
- christiancodesHalifax, NS
- codypsMassachusetts
- duncanyoyo1Nothing to see here, move along.
- dustmopBrooklyn
- englishmNorsk (by id3as)
- ern2150
- fooneSan Leandro, CA
- ghoost82Germany
- gitfoolAuckland, New Zealand
- Howlinmoon
- ishotjr@pebble-dev
- ivanli88
- jgmossBank of America
- jrcii
- jtauberSignum University
- KrisKennaway
- markloomisMilpitas, CA
- Michaelangel007Seattle, WA
- nocko@MonadnockSystems
- ohmanticsOhmantics
- paulhagstromBoston University
- philpem
- pnoericZürich (formerly Los Angeles)
- sehugg
- TheRogueArchivist
- timothyaspBellingham, WA
- xotmatrix
- zellynSquare