
Better way of handling inputs?

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Hey, i have questions. Consider the following:

local keys = {
  a = "printA",
  b = function() print("b") end,
local input = Input()
for k,v in pairs(keys) do
  input:bind(k, v)

local function printA() print("a") end

If i press "a", it will call the printA function.
If i press "b" it will use the anonymous function passed.

Now, what if i want to check in update the key "a" if it is down?

function love.update(dt)
  if input:down("a") then printA() end
  if input:down("printA") then printA() end

Isnt this repetitive?

I suggest, add an argument to bind that determines whether the binded key is for "down", "keypress", or "keyreleased" like

input:bind("a", "printA", "down") --default would be "keypressed"

This way, the library can check and call it internally without having to redo the if-statements

Clarify me if im wrong.