Use reflection to dump context
StevenACoffman opened this issue · 0 comments
StevenACoffman commented
Sometimes for local debugging, using reflection to dump the context is handy:
func printContextInternals(ctx interface{}, inner bool) {
contextValues := reflect.ValueOf(ctx).Elem()
contextKeys := reflect.TypeOf(ctx).Elem()
if !inner {
fmt.Printf("\nFields for %s.%s\n", contextKeys.PkgPath(), contextKeys.Name())
if contextKeys.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
for i := 0; i < contextValues.NumField(); i++ {
reflectValue := contextValues.Field(i)
reflectValue = reflect.NewAt(reflectValue.Type(), unsafe.Pointer(reflectValue.UnsafeAddr())).Elem()
reflectField := contextKeys.Field(i)
if reflectField.Name == "Context" {
printContextInternals(reflectValue.Interface(), true)
} else {
fmt.Printf("field name: %+v\n", reflectField.Name)
fmt.Printf("value: %+v\n", reflectValue.Interface())
} else {
fmt.Printf("context is empty (int)\n")
Thanks for putting all your examples in one central place!