
Images not displaying when they have an alt tag

AlanJIsaacson opened this issue · 1 comments

I am having a problem with some images not loading correctly in Google Chrome.

An example page with the issue is

Any of the pages below the level of in the navigation seem to share this issue, however
does load a portrait format image correctly (the affected images all seem to be landscape format).

If I open the dev tools and uncheck/check position: absolute the images load correctly. Also, if the alt attribute is either empty or missing the images load correctly.

Checking the network tab shows that all images return a 200 code as expected.

I have tested with images from a higher path in the navigation, and they also do not appear:
The same markup is used in all places.

I have also tested for JS conflicts by disabling all other scripts on the page except for Lazysizes.

I have tested on a local development enviroment, a staging site and on the live URLs above. It only appears to be the Chrome browser (Version 92.0.4515.131) where loading is failing. I have tested Edge and Firefox on my Mac too.

This is a css issue. Your crazy top: -64343rem... moves those images out of view. Use top: 0, left: 0....