
Timing issue with Ajaxify and Lazy Sizes

Allmedialab opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi Alexander,

We used Lazy Sizes for years with Ajaxify that was coded with jQuery and it was working fine. Now times have changed and Ajaxify is rewritten in plain Vanilla Javascript:

We experience timing problems when trying to load a page with Lazy Sizes on it that was before no problem with the jQuery version of Ajaxify. Only when we tune the request delay of Ajaxify to 800 (that slows everything much down) it starts to work without issue.

The issue is when clicking from page to page you get a total white page and only when you move the mouse or scroll the page kicks in.

Do you have any suggestion to tune the settings of Lazy Sizes? I played with the throttle delay and the ricTimeout, but it didn't really help.

Here is a test site with no request settings for Ajaxify and the original settings of Lazy Sizes:
Link removed!

Regards & Many Thanks,


We close the issue because Ajaxify is rewritten to load scripts like Lazy Sizes more efficient and more important with perfect timing!