all-i@Moveo is non-profit, research-funded technology company that provides an open-source, LGPL-licensed engineering concept design and manufacturing platform
aLL-i @moveo by moveo-i@moveo limitedNottingham, NG2 4RH, Nottinghamshire, UK
Pinned Repositories
This python code is for the design of aLL-i E an API enabled to feature all electric propulsion system, consisting of featured product API's plugged into Github repositories. This code allows us to design an aLL-i E all electric propulsion concept design on Tensor flow, using 25 steps that are detailed in the following python code.
aLL-i Q is a quantum mechanical design model built using Quantum TensorFlow which helps create, test, optimize and validate quantum simulators.
The algorithm presented here details the steps needed to achieve conceptual product design on a Digital Twin built on a CNN model..
zev-i, is developed to design carbonless, emission fre products, integrated to empowerment of designer, to design, develop and innovate, emission free sustainable vehicleszev-i, is developed to design carbonless, emission fre products, integrated to empowerment of designer, to design, develop and innovate, emission free sustainable vehicles
I-Power This code outlines a step-by-step process that can be used to implement a TensorFlow model for designing
Hybrid Quantum-Classical Machine Learning in TensorFlow
This Python code will utilize an All-i framework to feature the Megapowered all-electric blended wing body cargo vehicle the Savvy CAV on a Tensor Flow model from a 2D sketch
This Python code will utilize the All-i framework to create a conceptual model for the Savvy EVTOL
saVVy follows the 41 steps of the All-i framework, a complete conceptual model of an advanced aerospace vehicle such as an EVTOL, CAV, multicopter, E-Thrust, or Blended Wing Body (BWB) can be designed and deployed onto the market from a 2D sketch.
engineer-i sub for turbine blade design
aLL-iMOveO's Repositories
This python code is for the design of aLL-i E an API enabled to feature all electric propulsion system, consisting of featured product API's plugged into Github repositories. This code allows us to design an aLL-i E all electric propulsion concept design on Tensor flow, using 25 steps that are detailed in the following python code.
aLL-i Q is a quantum mechanical design model built using Quantum TensorFlow which helps create, test, optimize and validate quantum simulators.
The algorithm presented here details the steps needed to achieve conceptual product design on a Digital Twin built on a CNN model..
I-Power This code outlines a step-by-step process that can be used to implement a TensorFlow model for designing
This Python code will utilize an All-i framework to feature the Megapowered all-electric blended wing body cargo vehicle the Savvy CAV on a Tensor Flow model from a 2D sketch
This Python code will utilize the All-i framework to create a conceptual model for the Savvy EVTOL
saVVy follows the 41 steps of the All-i framework, a complete conceptual model of an advanced aerospace vehicle such as an EVTOL, CAV, multicopter, E-Thrust, or Blended Wing Body (BWB) can be designed and deployed onto the market from a 2D sketch.
design intelligence to design sustainable composite plastic fibercomplas-i is design intelligence to design sustainable composite plastic fiber. It is enabled to design composite palstic on design features scripted in python. It is designed and developed on web platform using applications and trained using application softwares using computer power in cloud platform, to produce 3D design model in slt , to be printed and manufactured.
zev-i, is developed to design carbonless, emission fre products, integrated to empowerment of designer, to design, develop and innovate, emission free sustainable vehicleszev-i, is developed to design carbonless, emission fre products, integrated to empowerment of designer, to design, develop and innovate, emission free sustainable vehicles
Hybrid Quantum-Classical Machine Learning in TensorFlow
engineer-i sub for turbine blade design