all-i@Moveo is non-profit, research-funded technology company that provides an open-source, LGPL-licensed engineering concept design and manufacturing platform
aLL-i @moveo by moveo-i@moveo limitedNottingham, NG2 4RH, Nottinghamshire, UK
aLL-iMOveO's Following
- aamini
- allisonedward
- ameliatalkingtonStanford, CA
- annahadjiLondon
- AroosaIjaz@XanaduAI
- BethanyLArgonne National Lab
- briandesilvaAmazon
- ClauFischer
- csvoss@openai
- eigensteveUniversity of Washington
- eurika-kaiser
- GemmaTuron@ersilia-os
- hgorr@MathWorks
- jhoffmanGeorgia Tech
- joanawEU
- jpeyre
- jtlauComputational Physicist @ LLNL
- juliamarkelStanford, California
- k1c@mantiumai
- kuleshovCornell Tech
- ManRev
- Mariatta@CMDLimes
- matlab-deep-learning
- mjduarterosa@AngliaRuskinUniversity
- mleszczy
- ninamiolane
- openai
- planesAerospace Design Lab
- rachealerhardStanford University
- rachel-1Stanford, CA
- sllooyd@mathworks
- suavecode
- unlearning-challenge
- yonghoonleeThe University of Memphis