Same crash like all, and the solution.
ktoloco opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello, first, sorry for my bad english :b
Second, let me congratulate you on your excellent program. I tried first with [AA2][Uncensor][3D MK-III][FA][v2.0][Various] and it was installed in 4 minutes! With wizzard i tried installing this mod and after 10 minutes i saw the percent was in 40%! So i decided look for an alternative and i found your program. I got the same issues like the most, and i tried run with a AppleLocale software. I use Legui, the best in my opinion, and running AA2install in japanese fix the issue. I also tried with [AA2][Lighting][Uppervolta][1.0]. With wizzard took 40 seconds for install, with your program, 4 seconds. Really amazing.
My system is windows 8.1 64 bits, my laptop is Lenovo Y470.
So, need to review about the locale issues. But again,, if you fix that, AA2Install will be the new mod installer. Because this fucking issue your program is not known, people are lazy for find solutions for the problems :b
I hope you can fix this, but in otherwise, is only need run with Legui (itried with ntleas and didnt work -
"ntleas may be lost connection with hook process").