
No Suitable File Reader Found

nicstronell opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello. Sorry to bug you. I'm trying to get tags from a file I'm loading from Google Drive in Javasript.

here's a sample

function whenGetSong(songID){
	return gapi.client.drive.files.get({
		fileId: songID,
		alt: 'media'

function getSongTags(googleID){
	jsmediatags.read(res.body, {
		onSuccess: function(tag) {	
			console.log('tag', tag);
		onError: function(error) {
			console.log('error', error);

but I get 'No Suitable File Reader Found'.

Any ideas?


Hey @nicstronell, did you ever find a solution to your problem? I'm encountering the exact same error. When I test the URL with the XhrFileReader regex test it passes.

did not find a solution. switched to musicmetadata.js

@nicstronell Thanks for the recommendation! Got it working with musicmetadata.js, in the browser even, within 10 minutes.


What does this error actually mean. I'm going round and round in circles here and I've tried every tag reader I can find and getting nowhere...(it's very very late)

I just want to read the tag of a local file, I don't need to input it, just read it from the browser and the file is in the same directory...

       var jsmediatags = window.jsmediatags;
        var tags = {};
        jsmediatags.read('test1.mp3', {
          onSuccess: function(tag) {
            tags = tag;
          onError: function(error) {
            // handle error

I have the link to the minimised script in my html

Just to let you know, that by using the precursor to this package - JavaScript-ID3-Reader I am able to read an mp3 file directly from a pure JavaScript file - So it can be done :) The mp3 file is in the same directory as my html/css/javascript on the server. (Actually there is a soft symlink to where they are...)
And just for anyone struggling like I did here is the ID3 code to get the album art

       var trak = 'test.mp3'
        ID3.loadTags(trak, function() {
          var tags = ID3.getAllTags(trak)
          base64String = ""
          for (var i = 0; i < tags.picture.data.length; i++) {
            base64String += String.fromCharCode(tags.picture.data[i]);
          var dataUrl = "data:" + tags.picture.format + ";base64," + window.btoa(base64String);
          $('#albumCover').attr('src', dataUrl)  //an img element
          //console.log(tags.track + '  ' + tags.picture.data)
          tags: ["track", "picture"],
          onError: function(reason) {
            console.log('GM Get image: ' +  reason)