
Ocean Protocol Command Line Interface

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Ocean Command Line Interface (Ocean CLI)

🦑 Ocean Protocol Command Line Interface (CLI) powered by Squid Java

Table of Contents


Ocean Protocol Command Line tool allowing to interact with the Ocean stack

This library is under heavy development


You can compile the application using the following command:

mvn clean package

Ocean CLI requires Java 11.


After compiling the application, you will see in the target/ folder a zip file with the config files required. Ocean CLI can setup the config files for you with the default parameters, but you could also unzip the zip file into the ~/.local/share/ocean-cli folder, e.g.

cd target
unzip ocean-cli-*.zip -d ~/.local/share/ocean-cli

The unzipped folder should have the following structure:

$ ls -la ~/.local/share/ocean-cli/
total 20
drwxrwxr-x  3 aitor aitor 4096 Mar 24 20:35 .
drwx------ 55 aitor aitor 4096 Mar 24 20:35 ..
-rw-rw-r--  1 aitor aitor   17 Mar 23 18:39 application.conf
-rw-rw-r--  1 aitor aitor  449 Mar 24 20:33 log4j2.properties
drwxr-xr-x  2 aitor aitor 4096 Mar 24 20:34 networks

Running Ocean CLI

This should generate the JAR package in the target folder. You can run the application using the usual way (java -jar app.jar). Also, setting up an alias would make quicker and easier to run the application:

alias ocean-cli='java $OCEAN_OPTS -jar target/ocean-cli-*-shaded.jar'

Connecting to a different network

All the parameters can be modified in the config files found in ~/.local/share/ocean-cli. Also it's possible to setup the OCEAN_OPTS environment variable overriding the options by default.

For example, connecting to a different network is so simple as setting up the following environment variable and running again the ocean-cli:

export OCEAN_OPTS=" $OCEAN_OPTS -Dnetwork=nile"

Using a different logging config file

export OCEAN_OPTS=" $OCEAN_OPTS -Dlog4j.configurationFile=$HOME/.local/share/ocean-cli/log4j2.properties"
# Show version information (DONE)
ocean-cli --version

# Show config information (DONE)
ocean-cli config show

# Clean previous configuration parameters (DONE)
ocean-cli config clean

# Show help (DONE)
ocean-cli --help

# List existing accounts  (DONE)
ocean-cli accounts list 

# Get account balance  (DONE)
ocean-cli accounts balance 0x123

# Request some tokens (DONE)
ocean-cli tokens request 5

# Transfers tokens to other account (DONE)
ocean-cli tokens transfer 0x123 5

# Creates an asset (DONE)
ocean-cli assets create --title "test" --dateCreated "2019-10-10T17:00:000Z" --author aitor --license CC-BY --contentType text/csv --price 1 --url https://oceanprotocol.com/tech-whitepaper.pdf

# Imports an asset from a JSON file (DONE)
ocean-cli assets import metadata.json

# Resolves a did (DONE)
ocean-cli assets resolve did:op:123

# Search for assets (DONE)
ocean-cli assets search query

# Order
ocean-cli assets order did:op:123 (DONE)

# Consume
ocean-cli assets consume did:op:123 (DONE)

# Get Keeper Smart Contracts
ocean-cli keeper list (DONE)

# Get Smart Contract methods
ocean-cli keeper describe OceanToken (DONE)

# Call Contract method
ocean-cli keeper exec OceanToken request 1

# Get resource remote information
ocean-cli utils info http://xxx.com/file.zip


                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                       Version 3, 29 June 2007

 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <https://fsf.org/>
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.