
A website that houses many mini games which provide a good timepass for a person who is boored but too lazy to play a complex game, feel free to add games to the website, create an issue and add Pullrequest to add your game

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Quick Refresher Games

A one stop website for all mini games for your boring and lazy times, comfort games like tik-tak-toe, rock-paper-scissors etc are some games available.

Why Quick Refresher Games?

These games are meant to be quick refreshers that don't take much time to play and do not engage players for a long time.
Are you tired from studying too long, play a quick game and get back to your studies with a refreshed mind, the games are quick and won't engage you for long.
Are you tired of scrolling socials , want a change of pace but too lazy to play a complex game, play a quick refreshing game and get back to your usual fun with a refreshed changed pace.
Getting bored at a lecture , want to gain back your attention? play a quick little game and get back to your lecture with a refreshed mind.
We all know how we open a game or social media to get a quick refreshment and end up wasting a lot of time without even realising, well That's not a problem if you play our quick mini games, which are quick to play and will not engage you for long. So get your much needed refreshment without worrying about wasting time.

How To Contribute?

Feel Free to add your own game to the website, just make sure it is not already a part of the website. Clone the repository , add your game folder, create a section for your game in the home page and you are good to go. If you want to improve the way the website looks, feel free to make changes in the CSS and create a Pull request.

steps to contribute :

  1. Fork this code repository.
  2. Add your Github username and Github profile link in the CONTRIBUTORS.md file.
  3. Submit a PR.
  4. Wait for your PR to be reviewed, approved & merged by an admin/owner.
  5. If there are issues with your PR, please revise them in accordance to the comments made by the admin.

Criteria For The Games :

  1. Game should be single player/ played against computer.
  2. Game should be small scale and quick to play.
  3. Game should be in dark background to match the theme. (preferable only)
  4. Game must have an icon.
  5. Game should be made responsive and have mobile device support (may be added later).

Games :

  1. Feed The Snake :

    The classic snake game that we all are familiar with, feed the snake while avoiding collision with the walls and it's own body. controls are up, down, right and left arrow keys for Keyboard devices.

  2. Rock Paper Scissors :

    The classic rock paper scissor game from our childhood, you and your opponent (computer) choose one of three options, Rock, paper or scissor, Rock beats scissor, scissor beats paper and paper beats rock. For each win you get +1 points, for each loos you get -1 and for a tie you get 0 points. Try to get the highest score possible.

  3. Tik Tak Toe :

    The classic Tik Tik Toe game we all know and love. You play as X and move first , computer plays as O and moves after you , your objective is to capture 3 consecutive spaces in a 3x3 grid either horizontally, vertically or diagonally, first one to do that wins.

  4. Flip Flop Fun :

    It is a game that tests your memory, there are 16 cards in the game, there are 2 of each type of cards i.e. 8 distinct cards, you can flip 2 cards each turn, if you flip the two same cards, you get closer to victory, if you flip different cards, try to remember what you flipped for future turns. If you find all the pairs before the time runs our, you win.

  5. Guess The Number :

    The Game generates a random number between 1 and 100 (1 and 100 included) , you have 7 guesses to guess out the number, after each guess , the game will tell you your next guess should be higher or lower, if you guess out the number within 7 turns , you win.

  6. More games Coming soon...

Try Out The Website Here : Timepass Games

Note : The Game is in test version and does not reflect what the finished product will look like.

Home Page Icon is provided by Freepik - Flaticon , Thank you for letting us use the icon for free.