
This repository contains code for zeroshot counterspeech generation.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

On Zero-Shot Counterspeech Generation by LLMs [Accepted at LREC-COLING 2024]


With the emergence of numerous Large Language Models (LLM), the usage of such models in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications is increasing extensively. Counterspeech generation is one such key task where efforts are made to develop generative models by fine-tuning LLMs with hatespeech - counterspeech pairs, but none of these attempts explores the intrinsic properties of large language models in zero-shot settings. In this work, we present a comprehensive analysis of the performances of three LLMs namely GPT-2, DialoGPT, and ChatGPT in zero-shot settings for counterspeech generation, which is the first of its kind. For GPT-2 and DialoGPT, we further investigate the deviation in performance with respect to the sizes (small, medium, large) of the models. On the other hand, we propose three different prompting strategies for generating different types of counterspeech and analyse the impact of such strategies on the performance of the models. Our analysis shows that there is an improvement in generation quality for two datasets (17%), however the toxicity increase (25%) with increase in model size. Considering type of model, GPT-2 and FlanT5 models are significantly better in terms of counterspeech quality but also have high toxicity as compared to DialoGPT. ChatGPT are much better at generating counter speech than other models across all metrics. In terms of prompting, we find that our proposed strategies help in improving counter speech generation across all the models.

WARNING: The repository contains content that are offensive and/or hateful in nature.

Folder Description

./Counterspeech_classification       ----> Contains the code used to train classification models
./Datasets                           ----> Contains the dataset used for testing our methods
./Prompts_generation                 ----> Contains the code used to generate prompts
./Results_new                        ----> Contains example file Generation.py generates
./generation                         ----> Contains the code used in generation and evaluation of counterspeech

Usage Instructions

Install the libraries using the following command (preferably inside an environemt)

pip install -r requirements.txt


To generate counterspeech using models use the following command

python Generation.py [--model_name] [--dataset] [--counterspeech_type] --hs --prompt
model_name          : model to be used for generation
dataset             : dataset to be used for generation
counterspeech_type  : Type of counterspeech to be generated
--hs                : To use hatespeech or not
--prompt            : To use our prompts or not

To change the prompting method, uncomment the required get_template function in the Generation.py


To evaluate the counterspeech on different metrics use the following command

python Newer_metrics.py [--dataset] [--metric]
dataset  : dataset whose generation file is  to be evaluated
metric   : metic name which need to be evaluated