This application is a basic site for the Drug Free Draper Organization. The site was initially built on abasic rails pages that offers user model/view/controller support. The basics are built on the user model form Michael Hartl's tutorial. It has been ported to rails 3.1.x User demographic data is kept for basic info like address, phone etc. users can edit and manage their own data only admin users can edit other users data. only admin users can delete users. the current setup is configured to use sqllite for dev and test the production db is postgresql for heroku PAGES: home - includes headers and footers as well as a partial for signed in and not signed in about - basic dummy about page signup - page to allow users to create an account signin - page to allow users to log in logins use email addresses passwords are encrypted and use a salt key for added security sessions are managed with cookies and the user will be remembered indefinitely in this version signout - page/link to log user out and clean up cookies/session/ etc. construction - a page to stub out future feature/page expansions user model: the model has support for demographic info and the notion of an admin user or a teamleader user. rake task: db:populate this task will use a csv file found in the parent dir to the project to populate the development database with data. RSpec Tests: rspec tests are in place to ensure the user model etc. is solid