This application has been made in compliance with instructions at:
I did not record myself working on it so no extra credit :(
I have not spent much time trying to deliver a fancy UI or UX. I am shooting to demonstrate basic functionality and compentency and if you'd like to see more, please ask. This is being working into a very busy schedule as I wrap up my current job and deal with some pressing family issues. I am willing to go deeper if necessary so please let me know.
I created a seed file to populate the database for working with the UI. This seed data consists of 4 users:
Each user has the role as described by the email address and the password for each is the word: password.
I have also created article data using the FFaker gem to make a set of articles with basically random values.
The project will has multiple roles that interact with each other.
- Guest (No Login)
- Vanilla Users (Logged in - No special role)
- Editor Users
- Admin Users (Extra Credit)
- Can see homepage with first 3 articles from each category.
- Can see article index page.
- Are sent to signup page if they want to see article show page.
- Can signup
- Can Login
- Can see everything a guest can
- Can see article show pages.
- Can logout
- Can do everything a vanilla User can.
- Can create articles
- Can delete articles that they created
- Can edit articles that they created
- Can create users and set roles.
- Can edit users and change roles.
- Can't edit/destroy/create articles.
Table will contain title, content, category, user_id.
Use one of these gems: Petergate (Preferred), Pundit, Cancancan.
I have never used Petergate before but am using it as it's preferred.
I've used both of the others (and personally have grown to like Pundit).
I like using Rolify to manage roles and Pundit for authorization usually.
- user
- editor
- admin (Extra Credit)
sqlite is the database
minitest is the test framework.
be sure to install the chromedriver. On my mac I installed it using brew install chromedriver.
(from the console)
run the unit tests
rails test
run the system tests
rails test test/system/*
Devise is used for authentication.
slim (Prefered), haml, erb
(I haven't used slim before and in the interest of time just used erb... I can definitely update it using slim) I have writtent this over the weekend while visit with my Mother in SC as I told you before. I apologize if it's not as solid as it could be or that I'm using erb instead of slim... I just don't have enough bandwidth for all of this right now and wanted to get something to you as quickly as I could. I hope you understand.