Automate MOP bootstrap environment with embedded Blazegraph + OWL Axioms
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aamedina commented
- dev system should use a vocabulary written to a Blazegraph journal
- The environment should support full-text search over metaobjects in Blazegraph and not require re-initialization unless new ontologies are loaded by the user
- Datafy w/materialization using embedded blazegraph via DESCRIBE and consider linked data use cases over HTTP
- Need to figure out Blazegraph namespace management
- Is it possible to SPARQL federate in-process over the namespaces?
- Redesign the universal translator component around Blazegraph embedded capabilities, what can it enable when Blazegraph is available in process to a Clojure program with reasoning?
- Datomic schema generation should be redesigned so that inference is done on a materialized ontology + RDF in process
- Is it possible to remove all dependencies EXCEPT blazegraph and Clojure outside of the main library?