
Dream.static is returning incorrect headers for non-exists file

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Given a static route like this one

Dream.get("/**") @@ Dream.static("public")

Try to access random route would have these behavior:

  • Safari downloads an empty file automatically
  • dream.log shows 404
  • curl -v -o - http://localhost:5000/not-exists
curl -v -o - http://localhost:5000/dasdabbbbsd
*   Trying ::1...
* Connection failed
* connect to ::1 port 5000 failed: Connection refused
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 5000 (#0)
> GET /dasdabbbbsd HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:5000
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
< Content-Type: application/octet-stream
< Set-Cookie: dream.session=0JDfhSEyb-zsmGQA1cFJae_G2; Max-Age=1209599; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Strict
< Content-Length: 0
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

@aantron said on Discord that those headers shouldn't be there.

  • Content-Type is probably what trigger safari to download it as file

Should be fixed by 809835d. The issue was that when the response is not one of the 2xx responses that carries content, Dream.static should not set the Content-Type based on the file extension, since file data is not being sent.

@aantron I've tested 809835d and it works perfectly. On safari it shows a blank page and I'm not sure if that's a normal behavior of safari because I can't think of any website without a 404 template


Can you try comparing on Safari to 404 page from a Dream app without a 404 template, but outside /public? For example, compare with your own web app's general routes, or any of the examples, such as 3-router.

@aantron it shows blank page as well. But I want to test non-dream behavior

@aantron it shows blank page as well. But I want to test non-dream behavior

Understood. It was just a partial comparison you could do cheaply (since I don't have Safari) — thanks!

It's actually a bit disappointing that Safari has this behavior. Part of the reason I used blank replies by default is that Chrome's stand-in pages are localized by Chrome (at least on my system with my versions). So not using an error template actually helps with localization, while providing an English template would positively harm it.

Safari's blank page behavior undermines this pretty completely.

while providing an English template would positively harm it.

That is, if Dream tried to provide its own default cookie-cutter templates, without knowing what the localization needs of each app are (if any).

@aantron oh. I don't suggest Dream would provide default error template.

Is there a way for me to provide a catch all hook for error pages?

Is there a way for me to provide a catch all hook for error pages?

Absolutely, that's the intended way to do it, and Dream will even capture lower-level errors (so, all errors) and forward them to you hook. See the error example, also in the playground, and its API docs:

You can easily customize all error responses generated by Dream, whether from your application, or at lower levels in the HTTP stack.