
Hardcoded `blog` and `docs` sections

ejiektpobehuk opened this issue · 4 comments

In {blog,docs}/{section,page}.html templates docs and blog values are hardcoded.
It makes reusing these templates in other sections problematic.

It's possible to change

{% set current_section = "docs" %}


{% set current_section = current_path | split(pat="/") | nth(n=1) -%}

But I'm not sure if it's going to play well with base urls with extra path like https://exmlp.cm/docs/.
In case it's fine, I'll file a PR. If not, we have to look for a better solution.

Zola docs states

current_path: the path (full URL without base_url) of the current page, always starting with a /

which means we should be fine, but I'd like to deploy and test it.

Scratch that.
It looks like a change to the base.html template can be a more general solution.

  {% block header -%}
    {% if current_path -%}
      {% set current_section = current_path | split(pat="/") | nth(n=1) -%}
    {% else -%}
      {% set current_section = '/' -%}
    {% endif -%}
    {{ macros_header::header(current_section=current_section)}}
  {% endblock header -%}

Good job! If you have finished the code of this part, you could pull a request. Thanks.

My solution to this, is simply to override the template.
Hopefully, it will be a dynamic value in the future.