
Raspberry Pi Pico CircuitPython projects: Single purpose tasks, DuckyScripts, Raspberry Pi Pico MacroPad, Instagram likes, payloads... Will be updated for more

Primary LanguagePython

Raspberry Pi Pico CircuitPython projects

Setup for all projects to work

  1. Download CircuitPython for the Raspberry Pi Pico. Or use adafruit-circuitpython-raspberry_pi_pico-en_US-7.0.0.uf2 file from uf2 folder.

  2. Plug the device into a USB port while holding the boot button. It will show up as a removable media device named RPI-RP2.

  3. Copy the .uf2 file to the root of the Pico (RPI-RP2). The device will reboot and after a second or so, it will reconnect as CIRCUITPY.

  4. Download adafruit-circuitpython-bundle-7.x-mpy-YYYYMMDD.zip here and extract it outside the device. Option 2, use lib folder files.

  5. Navigate to lib and copy adafruit_hid to the lib folder in your Raspberry Pi Pico.


To restore your pico, use flash_nuke.uf2 from uf2 folder. To be able to put uf2, hold boot button while connecting pico.