
This is a port of Catacomb Snatch to HTML5/JavaScript using the impact.js game engine

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


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        \/|__|                   \/                  \/          \/     \/      \/     \/     \/ 

#ABOUT So this is my attempt at porting Mojang's Catacomb Snatch. Catacomb Snatch was a game created by Mojang for a charity event called the Humble Mojam Bundle and released the sourcecode for the game. My port is build in Impact. This is more of a ground up rewrite than a port and this version will be a little different. I am releasing only part of the source code because Impact costs money and releasing the full sourcecode would basically allow you to gain Impact for free. I am releasing a baked version of the game along with the full sourcecode for the page, all of the entiteis, server side code, and art assets.


  • Add death animations
  • Add coins
  • Fix colision boxes
  • Build AI
  • Add touch controls
  • Build map
  • Implement sound
  • Fix WebGL
  • Work on native builds
  • Implement custom level building using html5 storage
  • Make menus
  • Make multiplauer

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