
Security Error when using using Bulk Edit

Closed this issue · 2 comments

If I try to use the Bulk Edit tool on a published post with Better YOURLS activated, I get a Security Error.

See https://youtu.be/qf-R3Y7lrHw for a demonstration from a test site with no other activated plugins and using the Twenty Fifteen theme. Better YOURLS settings were the default ('Use https' and 'Allow Self-signed https Certificate' disabled, no post types excluded.)

If it might be helpful in diagnosing the problem, I also noticed that if I hid the Better YOURLS metabox from the post editor with WPAUIC and tried to update a post I saw the same error.

Many thanks!

atdr commented

I'm getting this exact same issue too.

I am getting the same 'Security Error' when submitting a Jetpack contact form. Works fine with this plugin disabled.