
wp_get_shortlink not producing a yourls link in my plugin.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

My plugin is https://github.com/Benunc/better-click-to-tweet

On line 44 of the main plugin php file (better-click-to-tweet.php) in trunk, I've called wp_get_shortlink(). Other plugins (I tested the WP bit.ly plugin at https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-bitly/ ) work with my plugin, but Better YOURLS seems to not work.

My best guess after poring over the code is that the pre_get_shortlink() function in your plugin is somehow firing after my plugin has already built the shortcode that includes the wp_get_shortlink() call.

I don't know if the issue is on my plugin or yours, but since the WP bitly plugin works as expected, I thought I'd reach out to you.

This is probably related to the same issue I had. I corrected it and sent as a pull-request. #1

Confirmed. This issue is fixed by that pull request. Closing.