
How long does it take to crosspost?

onebree opened this issue · 3 comments

@aarongustafson I just posted to my Jekyll blog, but nothing is on Medium as of now.


I also tried running jekyll build, but I do not see the cache folder from this gem. I also tried jekyll serve, with no apparent changes.

I installed this plugin by adding it to my Gemfile. I followed the instructions for installation and config. Am I missing something? I waited a while (maybe 30 minutes) until I turned my computer (with the env vars set) off.

Hi @onebree. In my experience, the crossposting is very quick.

Hope I'm not stepping on @aarongustafson toes here, but have you checked your _config.yml? In Jekyll 3.0 you have to specify the plugins you're using if you're requiring even if you've already installed them. Try adding this line to your _config.yml:

gems: ['jekyll-crosspost-to-medium']

@erramirez I did not know that about Jekyll 3.0. I will add that line.

I also noticed that although I have a .env file set, it was not being read. I have added the keys to my bashrc, and will try again soon.

@erramirez UPDATE: I made the corrections I mentioned above.

@aarongustafson I think the README should include that to run the plugin, you must call jekyll build. At least, that's how it worked for me.