
"errors":"Application not found": Medium changed their rules for getting integration_token and secret, which breaks crossposting until their support team re-enables it

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I just tried to post to Medium from my jekyll site, and got

Attempted to post MYPOST to Medium. They responded {"errors":[{"message":"Application not found","code":6005}]}

This is the same error I got when following step 3 of the setup instructions:

Visit https://api.medium.com/v1/me?accessToken=, adding your Integration Token to the end of that URL

So, I hopped over to Medium's API docs, and found that on Feb 12, they updated their README for getting this token.

Now the instructions are:

First you must request access by emailing yourfriends@medium.com. Then we will then grant you access to a clientId and a clientSecret on your settings page with which you may access Medium’s API

So, I'm sending this email. If it works, I'll make a PR w/updates to these instructions.

Response from Medium

Once I emailed them, the Medium team wrote back and said:

Thanks for writing in.
I have turned on your ability to self-generate a token.
You can issue it at medium.com/me/settings.

And when I checked, the tokens listed in my settings were the same as what I'd generated in the past. I can now crosspost to Medium, no further action required.

Thanks for the update!

I kept having Ruby/Jekyll issues when upgrading my Mac, so I have moved off of Jekyll and will not be working on this project anymore, going forward. I am going to flag this as won’t fix, but leave it open in case someone else wants to pick up the project from here.

I was able to publish to Medium with this plugin successfully. Maybe it was a temporary Medium issue.