Default Dashboard Isn't Loading In Grafana
aaronmelton opened this issue · 3 comments
While testing a new Dockerfile for the speedtest based on the Alpine image I noticed the default dashboard isn't loading into the Grafana image. This was known to be working prior to v0.3.1 but neither change in v0.3.1 influenced the creation of the Grafana image so I'm uncertain what introduced this issue. Investigating...
Docker Image grafana/grafana:latest changed 7 days ago (but still reports as v8.2.6)...
speedtest_grafana image/container builds correctly with grafana/grafana:latest when built under Arch Linux, docker-compose v2.2.3.
speedtest_grafana image/container DOES NOT build correctly with grafana/grafana:latest when built under Alpine Linux, docker-compose v1.29.2
Not compatible with docker-compose v1.29.2