
auth with www redirection has problems

kevinmarks opened this issue · 3 comments

When I log in with http://kevinmarks.com I get user 89 and one config.
If I then connect using monocle I get an error because monocle authed http://www.kevinmarks.com
When I log in with http://www.kevinmarks.com I get user 90.
Logging in with monocle then works.
I think the 301 redirect from kevinmarks.com to www.kevinmarks.com should change the URL that Aperture stores too

I think the issue is that, using IndieAuth\Client, you need to normalise and resolve a user’s URL as two separate actions. (As shown in its internal begin method.)

It looks to me like Aperture is only normalising:

// Discover the endpoints
$url = IndieAuth\Client::normalizeMeURL(Request::input('url'));

Thanks @Zegnat. Try again @kevinmarks it should work now.

that works - when i put kevinmarks.com in I get user 90 (so user 89 is an orphan)