
Displaying all item's content slows down loading considerably

gonzalo-roberto-diaz opened this issue · 5 comments

This is a change in relation to previous versions, where only sections of some fields were showing.
I think it is a bad idea. Even for tables a few, but quite large items, the loading slows down to the point of showing a progress indicator for several seconds. I recommend finding a compromise for speed here.

rchl commented

Must be JSON.stringify making things slow. I wonder what kind of items trigger this slowdown for you. Is that something you can share? Is it just a big map object or maybe it's something that shouldn't even go through stringify in the first place?

I will attach the whole database. The culprit is the songs file, heavy in json entries as you correctly suspect.[

rchl commented

This dump seems to be in sqlite format. Would I need to use something like https://github.com/msolnit/sqlite-to-dynamodb to import it? (I'm testing on local dynamodb so can't use AWS frontend).

rchl commented

I have manually imported the songs table and I can indeed see that browser gets quite bogged down when doing layout. I have made some changes locally (different rendering of items) that appear to help a lot with this problem.

rchl commented

You can try version 3.0.0.

I've noticed that it was not so much JSON.stringify call but browser layouting long lines in table that was slow. So now that I'm using library for formatting items, while likely slower than JSON.stringify, makes layouting and overall loading much faster in the end.