
Looking for collaborators

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Anyone interested?

I'm interested in helping maintain if you're looking for someone

@BDiehr Still interested?

@aaronshaf Still interested! I'm using this package for my applications I work on and would love to help maintain it/handle upgrading it to newer versions of react

Awesome, please check your e-mail for the invite!

It'd be nice to have one more collaborator. Anyone else interested?

I was asked to be a collaborator in this comment, but I figured we should keep the conversation in here?

What does being a collaborator entail, more specifially? Should I be closing issues and merging PRs? I don't want to overstep any boundries 👼

Closing issues, merging PRs, pushing releases to NPM (with semver). I just added you on NPM.

Okay :) I'll do my best.