
[UnitTest] [BFS] UNIX Boot Filesystem from Amiga UNIX is not detected.

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UNIX boot filesystem from Amiga UNIX is not detected.

Exact command line used

Unit test

Expected behavior

Detected filesystem.

Actual behavior

Filesystem is not detected.

Output of command execution with debug output enabled

Filesystem not identified for amix.aif
  Expected: True
  But was:  False
   at Aaru.Tests.Filesystems.FilesystemTest.<Detect>b__11_0() in /Users/claunia/Development/Aaru/Aaru/Aaru.Tests/Filesystems/FilesystemTest.cs:line 83
   at NUnit.Framework.Assert.Multiple(TestDelegate testDelegate)
   at Aaru.Tests.Filesystems.FilesystemTest.Detect() in /Users/claunia/Development/Aaru/Aaru/Aaru.Tests/Filesystems/FilesystemTest.cs:line 31

   at Aaru.Tests.Filesystems.FilesystemTest.Detect() in /Users/claunia/Development/Aaru/Aaru/Aaru.Tests/Filesystems/FilesystemTest.cs:line 31