
Lexical error. Encountered: token recognition error at: '& '

AndyHao11 opened this issue · 4 comments

I got the following error when trying to execute cpdCheck

A failure occurred while executing internal.worker.CpdAction
Lexical error in file /myfile.java at line 203, column 21. Encountered: token recognition error at: '& '

The line of code is
if (((int) buf[i] & 0xff) < 0x10)

Is there a way to either workaround or suppress the error?

Puh. Not that I am currently aware of.

This is rather an issue with CPD itself, maybe you can check there if this is fixed with a new version?

Any news on this @AndyHao11?

@aaschmid Sorry, a stupid mistake on my side. This is resolved. It turned out I was checking the wrong language.

No worrries, therefore I will close this issue