Project has been moved here:
Minimal File Manager is a little console program written in C. POSIX only.
This program has no dependencies. For building just type:
or, if there is no make in your system:
cc *.c -o mfm -I. -O2
Then, you can put executable mfm to any $PATH directory.
Run program:
mfm [dir1 [dir2 [...]]]
All dirs will be opened in tabs (can be opened no more than ten tabs).
- Tab - create new tab
- Ctrl+W - close current tab (quit from program with closing last tab)
- Space or Insert - select/unselect current item
- + or = - select all items in tab
- - or _ - unselect all items
- Home End - go to the start or to the end of file list
- PgUp PgDn - go up or down throw five items of file list
- Delete - delete current or selected files/directories
- Enter:
- go to the directory;
- open current or selected files
- run current executable
- D - make new dir
- E - execute shell command with delay (expression %f will be replaced by current or selected file names, %%f will be replaced by %f)
- Ctrl-E - same, but without delay
- S - run shell
- R - rename file/directory
- U - update current list
- H - show/hide hidden files
- G - select directory from bookmarks and go to it
- Ctrl-G - go to any directory
- J - jump to directory item at current list
- Ctrl-J - jump to file item at current list
- C - copy all selected items at all tabs except current to the directory of current tab
- M - same way move items
- Q - quit from program
- $HOME/.local/etc/mfm/ext - commands to be applied for files with a certain extension. Every line in file looks like: last symbols of file name=command to be applied . Example: .mkv=mpv %f --fs . %f will be replaced with file names, %%f - by %f . Also, it's possible to specify only last symbols, then will be used last specified command;
- $HOME/.local/etc/mfm/bookmarks - some directories. Used by G command