
Add Python 3.7 Support

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Add Python 3.7 Support

Can I look?

Tested on a 3.7.0 virtualenv and works¹.

¹:I've got some KeyError but they are not due to python version.

Yes, we are getting a KeyError. Let's fix that first

@issuehuntfest has funded $10.00 to this issue. See it on IssueHunt

@aashutoshrathi has submitted a pull request. See it on IssueHunt

@aashutoshrathi has rewarded $7.00 to @aashutoshrathi. See it on IssueHunt

  • 💰 Total deposit: $10.00
  • 🎉 Repository reward(20%): $2.00
  • 🔧 Service fee(10%): $1.00