
The Guide on Deploying the Protocol to Mainnet Fork Needs to be Clearer

arjunaskykok opened this issue · 0 comments

In README, to deploy the protocol to mainnet fork, we open one terminal and run docker command:

docker-compose up

Then, we open another terminal, and get inside the Docker environment:

docker-compose exec contracts-env bash

Then, we run this script:

npm run aave:fork:main

We got a bunch of outputs:

rateStrategyWETH: 0x85bdE212E66e2BAE510E44Ed59116c1eC712795b
rateStrategyVolatileFour: 0xe1B3b8F6b298b52bCd15357ED29e65e66a4045fF
LendingPoolCollateralManagerImpl: 0xb3a9b7B5728416227cB09d047fAE2Df36Df04819
LendingPoolCollateralManager: 0xb3a9b7B5728416227cB09d047fAE2Df36Df04819
MockFlashLoanReceiver: 0x0b4789F2aB956463b3cEadE041CAC04D8b95a792
WalletBalanceProvider: 0x0D8448C0fBB84c30395838C8b3fD64722ea94532 


Then what? Is there any simple script (like depositing an asset to the lending protocol) to verify whether the migration works or not?

Should we run "npx hardhat node --fork https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/myapikey" in another terminal before running "npm run aave:fork:main"?

Thank you.